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Showing posts with the label british cinema


LAURA: It's awfully easy to lie when you know that you're trusted implicitly. So very easy, and so very degrading. Hello everyone, I hope you all had a great week! Mine went better than usual,  I've finally gotten used to the busy routine of school, so that's an improvement. I'm so happy to be back to the blog again, especially since this movie has been on my watchlist for a long time!  This week I decided to go a little more back in time and explore a film from the 1940's (another first for this blog!), Brief Encounter which I loved a lot. Let's give a little background about the film and explore its characters. I hope you enjoy reading the post! Brief Encounter is a romance movie adapted by a play of Noel Coward and directed by David Lean. The story revolves around Laura and Dr. Alec -both of whom are married- who meet at a railway station and gradually fall in love as they keep seeing each other every Thursday in the same spot. The romance built between t